Monday, February 11, 2013

Wine blogging in general

I have started reading some other wine blogs - not professional ones, I'm frankly not as interested in those - and am quite humbled by the level of expertise and quality of content out there.

To be very clear to the Potential Reader: I post my wine reviews not in any authoritative way, or to set myself up as someone at all knowledgeable.* Rather, it more traces the slow journey of someone first learning about wine.

I am almost entirely self-taught in assessing wines. My wife first introduced me to some of the concepts and taught me to enjoy and appreciate wine, but I've never taken a class, never gone to a formal tasting, and as said above have only just started to utilize the great wealth of the internet. My experience is solely in buying wine for my own drinking and gradually learning what I like and what I think.

Part of this is because, frankly, my parents didn't drink when I was growing up, and I'm poor now. I haven't been exposed to wine, and now that I have learned how much I enjoy it, and how much I enjoy analyzing it, I don't have the budget to do more than a very slow, limited exploration.

So don't come here looking for someone who really knows what they're doing. Consider it, rather, a friendly record of someone on a limited budget, gradually learning wine and sharing thoughts on what I encounter along the way.

And maybe someday I'll be as experienced and casually knowledgeable as some of those fine folks out there.


*plus I don't ever expect my blog to be taken seriously at all by People Who Blog About Wine, because unlike them, I do not blog solely about wine. My fandom ramblings will immediately discount me, I am assuming, from any consideration. That's okay.


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