Thursday, May 16, 2013

Very Brief Film Reviews: Labyrinth

Jim Henson

Labyrinth: Jim Henson's classic, and one of the great modern works of art of the fantastic. As with all of Henson's great works, the comedy and the cuteness and the slapstick are perfectly balanced with, and delicately undermined by, the grim and the gruesome and the truly terrifying, with the edge of the unearthly and very, very real that he and Brian Froud could tap into when they were at their height.

I first came to this movie as an adult (and wish I'd grown up with it as many did), but I love it deeply, and have watched it again and again over the years. I'm still not a fan of Jennifer Connelly's acting, sorry, but the puppetry of all forms is mind-blowing, and David Bowie really is terribly, hella sexy.

IMDB: Labyrinth

Healdsbury Ranches: Cabernet Sauvignon

Healdsbury Ranches
Cabernet Sauvignon
California, 2008

Tonight's lesson: Stay away from boots on wine.